ΠΛΗΡΩΝΕΤΑΙ για να… δοκιμάζει ΔΟΝΗΤΕΣ! (φωτο)

Pic shows: Joan B, 41 yo mother and dildo tester. This is the surprising story of a mother of three who has made a career out of blogging about sex toys for the last 16 years. Joan B. from Denmark says there are still a lot of taboos about dildos, even though they should be seen as a way to boost oneâs sex life rather than as a crutch. Called the "Dildo Queen" by a menâs magazine editor back in 2000, the 41-year-old started being a dildo tester and sexblogger on joanb.dk. She had always been interested in sex toys, recalling how many years ago she first found comfort in her electric toothbrush. She said: "I have never been frightened of dildos. In fact I was very young when I first had an orgasm in my own company. I still remember vividly one afternoon being at home alone. I was about to brush my teeth with my electric toothbrush. And for unknown reasons I put the end of the vibrating toothbrush between my legs." From that moment on, she was hooked, she said, with her greatest fear being running out of batteries. Joan says she is still surprised today that people are so averse to dildos, especially men, who see them as necessary evils if something down there is not working the way it should. However, she balances that statement with the notion that there is a "very horny group of people who were very far-sighted" and who see such devices as a means to complementing their active sex lives. Nonetheless, the Dildo Queen deplores the fact that many see sex toys merely as solutions to problems, and not the fun toys for adults that they can be. She said: "But constantly sex toys are seen by very many like something you need. A penis ring if it does not want to get up and stand, lube if she is not wet enough and spit may well otherwise be enough." Her job is not all fun and games too, as she readily confesses that it "would be a big lie if to say that I am always turned on." However, she ends with a very professional outlook, saying that "when I have promised

Η 41χρονη είναι από τη Δανία… και όπως φαίνεται το απολαμβάνει το επάγγελμά της!

“Όλα ξεκίνησαν ένα απόγευμα, όταν πλένοντας τα δόντια μου με την ηλεκτρική μου οδοντόβουρτσα αποφάσισα να την βάλω ανάμεσα στα σκέλια μου”, λέει η Joan.

Pic shows: Joan B, 41 yo mother and dildo tester. This is the surprising story of a mother of three who has made a career out of blogging about sex toys for the last 16 years. Joan B. from Denmark says there are still a lot of taboos about dildos, even though they should be seen as a way to boost oneâs sex life rather than as a crutch. Called the "Dildo Queen" by a menâs magazine editor back in 2000, the 41-year-old started being a dildo tester and sexblogger on joanb.dk. She had always been interested in sex toys, recalling how many years ago she first found comfort in her electric toothbrush. She said: "I have never been frightened of dildos. In fact I was very young when I first had an orgasm in my own company. I still remember vividly one afternoon being at home alone. I was about to brush my teeth with my electric toothbrush. And for unknown reasons I put the end of the vibrating toothbrush between my legs." From that moment on, she was hooked, she said, with her greatest fear being running out of batteries. Joan says she is still surprised today that people are so averse to dildos, especially men, who see them as necessary evils if something down there is not working the way it should. However, she balances that statement with the notion that there is a "very horny group of people who were very far-sighted" and who see such devices as a means to complementing their active sex lives. Nonetheless, the Dildo Queen deplores the fact that many see sex toys merely as solutions to problems, and not the fun toys for adults that they can be. She said: "But constantly sex toys are seen by very many like something you need. A penis ring if it does not want to get up and stand, lube if she is not wet enough and spit may well otherwise be enough." Her job is not all fun and games too, as she readily confesses that it "would be a big lie if to say that I am always turned on." However, she ends with a very professional outlook, saying that "when I have promised
Η 41χρονη Joan B. από την Δανία ξέρει καλύτερα από τον καθένα τι “ικανοποίηση” μπορεί να προσφέρει η εργασία, αφού για τουλάχιστον 16 χρόνια βγάζει τα προς το ζην ως δοκιμάστρια ερωτικών βοηθημάτων.

Μάλιστα δηλώνει μπουχτισμένη για τα… ταμπού και τις προκαταλήψεις που ακολουθούν τους δονητές και υποστηρίζει ότι προσφέρουν “ώθηση” στην σεξουαλική ζωή των χρηστών.

Pic shows: Joan B, 41 yo mother and dildo tester. This is the surprising story of a mother of three who has made a career out of blogging about sex toys for the last 16 years. Joan B. from Denmark says there are still a lot of taboos about dildos, even though they should be seen as a way to boost oneâs sex life rather than as a crutch. Called the "Dildo Queen" by a menâs magazine editor back in 2000, the 41-year-old started being a dildo tester and sexblogger on joanb.dk. She had always been interested in sex toys, recalling how many years ago she first found comfort in her electric toothbrush. She said: "I have never been frightened of dildos. In fact I was very young when I first had an orgasm in my own company. I still remember vividly one afternoon being at home alone. I was about to brush my teeth with my electric toothbrush. And for unknown reasons I put the end of the vibrating toothbrush between my legs." From that moment on, she was hooked, she said, with her greatest fear being running out of batteries. Joan says she is still surprised today that people are so averse to dildos, especially men, who see them as necessary evils if something down there is not working the way it should. However, she balances that statement with the notion that there is a "very horny group of people who were very far-sighted" and who see such devices as a means to complementing their active sex lives. Nonetheless, the Dildo Queen deplores the fact that many see sex toys merely as solutions to problems, and not the fun toys for adults that they can be. She said: "But constantly sex toys are seen by very many like something you need. A penis ring if it does not want to get up and stand, lube if she is not wet enough and spit may well otherwise be enough." Her job is not all fun and games too, as she readily confesses that it "would be a big lie if to say that I am always turned on." However, she ends with a very professional outlook, saying that "when I have promised

“Ποτέ δεν φοβόμουν τους δονητές”, εξηγεί ενώ αποκαλύπτει πώς ξεκίνησε την… περιπλάνησή της στον κόσμο των δονητών.

“Όλα ξεκίνησαν ένα απόγευμα, όταν πλένοντας τα δόντια μου με την ηλεκτρική μου οδοντόβουρτσα αποφάσισα να την βάλω ανάμεσα στα σκέλια μου”, λέει στην Sun η Joan.

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Τώρα, ο μεγαλύτερος… φόβος της είναι μήπως τελειώσουν οι μπαταρίες από τα βοηθήματά της ενώ δηλώνει έκπληκτη που υπάρχουν ακόμα άνδρες που έχουν πρόβλημα να παίρνει τους δονητές της μαζί της στο κρεβάτι.

Η Joan πια διατηρεί blog όπου δημοσιοποιεί τις απόψεις της για τους δονητές, ενώ προτρέπει τους ανθρώπους να πάψουν να βλέπουν τους δονητές σαν έναν τρόπο για να λύσουν τα προβλήματά τους, αλλά σαν ένα ευχάριστο ερωτικό παιχνίδι.

Pic shows: Joan B, 41 yo mother and dildo tester. This is the surprising story of a mother of three who has made a career out of blogging about sex toys for the last 16 years. Joan B. from Denmark says there are still a lot of taboos about dildos, even though they should be seen as a way to boost oneâs sex life rather than as a crutch. Called the "Dildo Queen" by a menâs magazine editor back in 2000, the 41-year-old started being a dildo tester and sexblogger on joanb.dk. She had always been interested in sex toys, recalling how many years ago she first found comfort in her electric toothbrush. She said: "I have never been frightened of dildos. In fact I was very young when I first had an orgasm in my own company. I still remember vividly one afternoon being at home alone. I was about to brush my teeth with my electric toothbrush. And for unknown reasons I put the end of the vibrating toothbrush between my legs." From that moment on, she was hooked, she said, with her greatest fear being running out of batteries. Joan says she is still surprised today that people are so averse to dildos, especially men, who see them as necessary evils if something down there is not working the way it should. However, she balances that statement with the notion that there is a "very horny group of people who were very far-sighted" and who see such devices as a means to complementing their active sex lives. Nonetheless, the Dildo Queen deplores the fact that many see sex toys merely as solutions to problems, and not the fun toys for adults that they can be. She said: "But constantly sex toys are seen by very many like something you need. A penis ring if it does not want to get up and stand, lube if she is not wet enough and spit may well otherwise be enough." Her job is not all fun and games too, as she readily confesses that it "would be a big lie if to say that I am always turned on." However, she ends with a very professional outlook, saying that "when I have promised

“Ένας δακτύλιος πέους για κάποιον που έχει πρόβλημα στην στύση, λιπαντική κρέμα αν μία γυναίκα δεν είναι αρκετά υγρή μπορεί να κάνουν την δουλειά τους μίας χαρά”, τονίζει ενώ συμβουλεύει να δοκιμάσει ο καθένας την χρήση ενός δονητή.