Φοιτητές οικονομικών πανεπιστήμιων από όλο τον πλανήτη έρχονται να δουν το ΠΕΙΡΑΜΑΤΟΖΩΟ ΕΛΛΑΔΑ

Hellenic Financial Stability Fund

“H ομάδα σπουδαστών μελετά την ελληνική οικονομία από την αρχή της κρίσης χρέους”

αναγράφει σε δελτίο Τύπου της η ομάδα φοιτητων που μελετά το φαινόμενο – Ελλάδα
“Kali mera! Today, the group of students studying the Greek economy since the onset of the debt crisis met with Eric Tourret, the Deputy CEO of the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund (HFSF).
The HFSF is an organization established by the EU, European Central Bank, and International Monetary Fund (often referred to together as the “troika”) to help stabilize the Greek banking sector. It performs a number of functions in pursuit of this goal: supporting commercial bank recapitalization (acquiring bank shares and injecting bonds or cash in return), outlining and monitoring corporate governance reforms at the banks, supporting deposit insurance, and helping to resolve non-performing loans (NPLs), which refer to loans that individuals or businesses stop paying back. The HFSF is slated to run until June 2020, when the banking sector will hopefully be transitioned back to full private ownership.”
