epa07660232 A new natural gas processing plant of O&GD Central Ltd. is pictured near Konyar, Hungary, 20 June 2019, on its day of inauguration. The Dutch-owned company has invested 6 billion forints (some 19 million euros) to build the most modern gas plant in Eastern Hungary. The plant currently has a daily capacity of 480 thousand cubic meters, which may be doubled over time.  EPA/Zsolt Czegledi HUNGARY OUT

Τα επίπεδα αποθήκευσης φυσικού αερίου στη Βρετανία είναι «ανησυχητικά χαμηλά» με λιγότερο από μία εβδομάδα ζήτησης, δήλωσε ο διαχειριστής του...